In this config file you can change things like the default admin password, http port, grafana database (sqlite3, mysql, postgres), authentication options (google, github, ldap, auth proxy) along with many other options.
A NULL value is returned when you open a workbook in Tableau 9.0.1 and later and 8.3.5 and later 8.3.x releases that was created in an earlier version and has date/time data stored as a string in a format that Hive doesn't support. To resolve this issue, change the field type back to String and create a calculated field using DATEPARSE() or DATE() to convert the date. Use DATEPARSE() when working with an extract, otherwise use the DATE() function.
MySQL Data Access Components 9.0.1 Professional
The authorization element is used to define how a users roles can beloaded after the authentication process completes, these roles may thenbe used for subsequent authorization decisions based on the servicebeing accessed. At the moment only a properties file approach or acustom plug-in are supported - support for loading roles from LDAP orfrom a database are planned for a subsequent release.
"Sensitivity" constraints are about restricting access tosecurity-sensitive data. Different organizations may have differentopinions about what is security sensitive, so WildFly providesconfiguration options to allow users to tailor these constraints.
Users who use the read-resource operation may ask for data, some ofwhich they are allowed to see and some of which they are not. If thishappens, the request will not fail, but inaccessible data will be elidedand a response header will be included advising on what was notincluded. Here we show the effect of a Monitor trying to recursivelyread the security subsystem configuration:
Because trim-descriptions was used as the value for theaccess-control parameter, the typical "description", "attributes","operations" and "children" data is largely suppressed. (For more onthis, see below.) Theaccess-constraints field indicates that this resource is annotatedwith an application constraint. The access-control field includes information about thepermissions the current caller has for this resource. The defaultsection shows the default settings for resources of this type. Theread and write fields directly under default show that the callercan, in general, read this resource but cannot write it. Theattributes section shows the individual attribute settings. Note thatMonitor cannot read the username and password attributes.
The attributes management model attribute is used to determine which exchange attributes should be logged. This issimilar to the pattern used for traditional access logging. The main difference being since the data is structuredthe ability to use defined keys is essential.
A metadata attribute also exists which allows extra metadata to be added to the output. The value of the attribute isa set of arbitrary key/value pairs. The values can include management model expressions, which must be resolvable whenthe console access log service is started. The value is resolved once per start or reload of the server. 2ff7e9595c