REVIEWS 957 The book provides a welcome glimpse into the making of the film, showing how it was preciselythe shared vision of the directorand his cameraman, both of whom 'instinctively sought cinematic means of expression, rather than dramaturgic, narrative or even thespian', which gave the film its 'visual drama'(p. 4). Apart from the introduction and conclusion, this book is divided into sections dealing with context, analysis, reception and aftermath.As is to be expected, the context section is very useful,and remindsone that Kalatozov's first major film, Sol' Svanetii(Saltfor Svanetia) was made in I930, and that Urusevskii'sfilm work debut took place in 1928, so their shared appetite for experimental approaches dates back from a time of general daring and innovation in Soviet cinema. The aftermath section, taking the reader forwardsthis time, equally usefullyrevealsthat for filmmakerssuch as Andrei Tarkovskii, the film 'epitomized individual artistic vision; it became a liberating paradigm' (p. 99). When it comes to analysing the film, Woll confidently makes statementssuch as 'Veronikahas no identity except as the incarnationof love' (p. 38), and then arguesthiscase, and others,persuasively. When writingabout the film'sreception, shediscusseshow Cranes wasreceived both inside and outside the USSR, and these accounts make fascinating reading and give furtherinsightinto the political atmosphereof the time. Finally, I concur with Woll that '[t]he passion and compassion that permeate Cranes,its affecting relationships and dazzling camerawork, outweigh its melodramaticmoments, overwroughtmusical score, and cardboard minor characters'(p. 2). For those readerswho have seen the film, the book will provide new insights when revisitingthe film;for those who have not, it will inspirethem to watch it. School ofSlavonic andEastEuropean Studies MILENA MICHALSKI University College London Coates, Paul (ed.). LucidDreams. The Films of Krzysztof Kieslowski. Cinema Voices. Flicks Books, Trowbridge, I999. Vi + 234 pp. Notes. Filmography . Bibliography. Index. Notes on Contributors. ?14.95 (paperback). LUCID DREAMS is the firstmajor study of Krzysztof Kie'lowski's work to be publishedoutsidePolandsince his untimelydeath froma heart-attackin I996. Along with Andrzej Wajda, Krzysztof Zanussi, and Agnieszka Holland, Kieslowskihad become one of the fewfilm-makersof hisgenerationto achieve recognition outside his native Poland. After graduating from the Lodz Film School in the late sixties, he moved initially into documentary shorts and features. Having become disillusioned with the limitations of the genre, however, he later moved into feature-film making, and became strongly associated with the 'cinema of moral anxiety' movement, which began to emerge in the mid-I970s. Startingfrom a more or less strictlyv6rit6position, Kieslowski gradually moved towards a more complex engagement with 958 SEER, 82, 4, 2004 reality. His cinematic voyage led him away from specifically social and political concerns towards explicitly spiritual and metaphysical dilemmas. This was partly the result of his collaboration from the early i980s onwards with Krzysztof Piesiewicz, a liberal-leaning Catholic lawyer whom he met while filming documentary material in the military courts which had been establishedduring the early months of martiallaw. This partnershipinitially produced Bezkonca (No End, I984), a controversialwork which satisfiedfew across the critical spectrum in the complex moral maze which had emerged afterJaruzelski's'coup d'etat' in I982; and subsequentlyDekalog (Decalogue, I988), his much-acclaimed exploration of the Biblicalcommandments, which brought him widespread international attention (two expanded parts of this ten-part series, Kr&tkifilm o zabijaniu (A Short Film About Killing, I988) and Krotki film o milosci(A Short Film About Love, I988) were given cinematic releases in the West, and the series as a whole was broadcast on several European television networks).As a result of this attention, Kieslowski was subsequently invited to work on a number of French co-productions: these included LaDoubleviede Veronique (The Double Life of Veronique, i 99 i) and the Troiscouleurs trilogy (Three Colours, 1993-94), both of which were cowritten with Piesiewicz. Despite his public renunciation of directing in the mid-iggos, Kieslowskineverthelessstartedworkingwith Piesiewicz again on a new project, a trilogy entitled Raj-Czysciec-PiekUo (Heaven-Purgatory-Hell), the firstpartof which, on account of his death, wasgiven to theyoung German directorTom Tykwer. If this multi-authorvolume is a major contributionto Kieslowskistudies,it is very largely thanks to the editor, Paul Coates. His contribution to the collection includes a lengthy introduction,two essays,an interviewconducted by himself...
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