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Worms Forts Under Siege: How to download full game and install on your PC

It seems well, therefore, to have in primaryschools two kinds of work in connection with storyand reading, the oral work in story-telling, reproduction,expression, etc., and the drill exercises in learningto read. The former will keep up a wide-awakeinterest in the best thought materials suitable forchildren, the latter will gradually acquaint them withthe necessary forms of written and printed language.Moreover, the interest aroused in the stories is constantlytransferring itself to the reading lessons andgiving greater spirit and vitality even to the primaryefforts at learning to read. In discussing the methodof primary reading we shall have occasion to mentionthe varied devices of games, activities, drawings,dramatic action, blackboard exercises, and picturework, by which an alert primary teacher puts lifeand motive into early reading work, but fully asimportant as all these things put together is thegrowing insight and appreciation for good stories.When a child makes the discovery, as Hugh Millersaid, "that learning to read is learning to get storiesout of books" he has struck the chord that shouldvibrate through all his future life. The real motivefor reading is to get something worth the effort ofreading. Even if it takes longer to accomplish theresult in this way, the result when accomplished isin all respects more valuable. But it is probable thatchildren will learn to read fully as soon who spenda good share of their time in oral story work.[Pg 9]

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